

Taňa Keleová-Vasilková
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399 Kč (16,63 €)
List price: 499 Kč (20,79 €)
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List Number: 31901
EAN: 9788081116308
Price excluding VAT:399,20 Kč (16,63 €)
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Olivie, a young heroine of this story, loves the violin and her family. She longs for a quiet life in which she could devote herself to music and herself. But life is complicated and we do not always fulfill our dreams. Olivia staggers in problems that deprive her of a smile, but situations that warm her with her heart give her faith and strength to continue. And because fate is unpredictable, it gets in the way of someone who covers it with kindness and understanding.

Olivie and On
Olivia's life has come true. In addition to her beloved music, Sofia became part of her days, an old lady she fell in love with, and Oliver. He entered her life unexpectedly. And unexpectedly, his presence warms and pleases her. Her heart is full of love. These two people make it easier to endure her problems at home that do not take the end. But there are few easy things in life. Loss and pain will always find our way to us. Nor does Olivia go. How will he deal with all this? Fortunately, life not only takes but also gives, and so Olivia meets new people on her way who heals her sore soul and returns her smile on her face.

And now I'll tell you something. When I wrote Olivia, I was sad. I liked her and I was very close to me in something ... I talked about my feelings with my husband and he immediately, without hesitation, said I didn't have to say goodbye to her, that I could continue to write ... and he was right. < br /> Nice reading, my dear. I hope that the sequel to Olivia's life will please you. I liked writing, and very much.
Taňa Keleová-Vasilková

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