
From the seed in the dust

Imagine a beautiful large garden.Marc Hamer
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318 Kč (13,25 €)
List price: 398 Kč (16,58 €)
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List Number: 26110
EAN: 9788076700543
Manufacturer: Kazda Václav
Price excluding VAT:318,40 Kč (13,27 €)
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Imagine a beautiful large garden. The deep red hydrangea is peeked through the climbing yellow roses, the belts of daffodils rule Jiřina, tulips on their heads under the golden sun being tied up by a pink turban. The old ornamental pond looks down from the sky torn cloud. In the back of the trimmed lawn in a meadow full of wild flowers, and who would go even further, up to the wetlands in the corner, surrounded by mature maples and beeches. But no one goes to this garden. The lady is gone or looks through the kitchen window, and the only person who treads between the flower beds is an aging bearded gardener. His name is Marc Hamer and until recently he caught moles during the winter. The book by seed in dust is actually a kind of manifest of gardening zen and an encouraging debate on life in harmony with nature. Where there is no ego, there is a chance to arise in the empty empty. Maybe happiness. Then just see swift, caress nutmeg or watch an elderly neighbor, and you don't miss anything. Blow your hands into the ground, just watch quietly for a while, and see what happens to Marc Hamer has designed and takes care of the same five -hectare garden for more than twenty years. Few people go to it, and so he is the only person who knows all her secrets - but does not belong to him. At the same time, his relationship with the owner is distant and surprisingly intimate, imbued with a mysterious combination of two people who share the same space in a very different way. In this unique book, Hamer guides us a month after a month with his experiences in and outside the garden, while the alternating seasons are still in the forefront of new plants and animals, and the gardener himself leads to their own past and future. From the author's peaceful and meditative narrative we will learn about gardening folk and wisdom, joy of work with hands, his way from lonely homelessness to family satisfaction and the cycle of growth and decomposition, according to which not only life in the garden but also ours.

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