
Ocean on the ice spasm

The story takes place in 1867. Verne Jules
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239 Kč (9,96 €)
List price: 299 Kč (12,46 €)
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List Number: 19398
EAN: 9788073909970
Price excluding VAT:239,20 Kč (9,97 €)
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The story takes place in 1867. The author in the book tells the story of French artist César Cascabel and his families who want to return home to his homeland after years spent in the United States. Unfortunately, they are stolen from their savings, so they cannot pay a trip to Europe. César Cascabel therefore decides to get to France land on the comedy car via (then Russian) Alaska (sold in 1867 by the Tsarist government of the US, this fact has an impact on the story of the novel) He believes that his expedition on his way is still earned by performances, so he will improve the state of his cash register.

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