
We dress Italian dolls - sofia

Creative coloring books, lots of stickers.
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159 Kč (6,63 €)
List price: 199 Kč (8,29 €)
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List Number: 18305
EAN: 9788088276869
Manufacturer:Ella & Max
Price excluding VAT:159,20 Kč (6,63 €)
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Creative coloring books, lots of stickers. In short, these books contain everything that is needed to create countless models according to exotic fashion. The traditions inspired by themes encourage imagination, and children will learn a lot of interesting information on top! How do their peers live in Italy, how health, learns and enjoys what specialties do they enjoy? Do you know how Mozzarella, Tiramisu, or how much is the famous oblique tower in Pisa? All this and much more will be learned if you go to know our dolls. And for each book you will get a beautiful bracelet for happiness!

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