
About the panda that had lice

Can you count lice? It's not that easy, especially when they start to jump in the fur poor pandas like a runaway! ... Beigel Christine
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159 Kč (6,63 €)
List price: 199 Kč (8,29 €)
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List Number: 30429
EAN: 9788076425323
Price excluding VAT:159,20 Kč (6,63 €)
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Can you count lice? It is not so easy, especially when they start to jump in the fur poor pandas! Hop! Hop! Hop! The class is quickly formed by a crowd: the sheep begins to count the lice, and before hope, jumps on it. The elephant comes and begins to count the lice that the sheep has. And so on ... The teacher no longer knows where to look. Will the panda stop drilling and can it bind? Patience, Hen Grandma tells you everything!

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