
New jokes cat bunch

And why are they furry so unique? So first they can speak ... Stelmaszyk Agnieszka
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239 Kč (9,96 €)
List price: 299 Kč (12,46 €)
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List Number: 29342
EAN: 9788027711222
Price excluding VAT:239,20 Kč (9,97 €)
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a bunch of seven undisturbing unique cats returns with new crazy events!

And why are they furry so unique? First, they can speak. (Although only their man knows about it. Because let's face it - if someone else knew how they could get out of all the rogues? >
How could these naughters get rich this time? Maybe it would be worth investing in a photographic studio? Opening a luxury restaurant for four -legged guests? Or would they be used as cat detectives? In any case, this time it can not do without strange shipments, modern technologies and great patience of little Krištůfka!

An amazingly illustrated book, full of cheerful stories set in the present, brings children known and close animal heroes.

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