
Night sky - a practical guide to the main constellations

This portable and interactive set includes various constellations of northern and southern hemisphere, such as Orion, Shepherd, Taurus, Virgin, Perseus, Great Bear, Hydra and many others. Westmoquette Mark
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399 Kč (16,63 €)
List price: 499 Kč (20,79 €)
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List Number: 30116
EAN: 9788027714179
Price excluding VAT:399,20 Kč (16,63 €)
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The Night sky set is 20 perforated cards with a picture of the constellations that will help families and enthusiastic stars to find their shapes in the eye sky, accompanied by a manual that examines the meaning of these star patterns.

This portable and interactive set includes various constellations of northern and southern hemisphere such as Orion, Shepherd, Taurus, Virgin, Perseus, Great Bear, Hydra and many others.
Try to determine shapes in the night sky first and then read in the book about their mythological roots and cultural contexts, as well
Watching the constellation in the night sky can stimulate our curiosity and amazement like no other activity on Earth. This file will help you discover how shimmering the sky full of shimmer stars can connect us deeper with our inner self.

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