

Trope Nicole
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262 Kč (11,01 €)
List price: 349 Kč (14,66 €)
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List Number: 31958
EAN: 9788024294087
Price excluding VAT:261,75 Kč (11,00 €)
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The phone call every mother dreads. On my way home from the store, my phone rings. My stepdaughter, Shelby, who is currently babysitting my 3-year-old Millie, calls me and is screaming hysterically that my little girl is missing. The police get involved in the search and it quickly becomes clear that Shelby is hiding something. In addition, I receive an anonymous message that my husband is not who he says he is. My own family suddenly seems strange to me. Everyone has a secret - even me. No one knows why I came home late from the store, and I feel tremendous guilt. Once the truth comes out and all our lies are exposed, will it be too late to save Millie?

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