
German for advanced self -taughts + link

The textbook is intended for those interested in studying German, whose knowledge has achieved a slightly advanced level (B1) ... Nekrovářová Alena
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478 Kč (19,92 €)
List price: 598 Kč (24,92 €)
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List Number: 30586
EAN: 9788073358235
Price excluding VAT:478,40 Kč (19,93 €)
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The textbook is intended for those interested in studying German, whose knowledge has achieved slightly advanced levels (B1), or even higher levels. Lessons are richly equipped with teaching material whose study by studying reaches the level of advanced German user (C1).

All those interested in studying German can use German for advanced self -taughts if they have reached the required entry level. The textbook freely follows German (not only) for self -taught, whose study is not a condition.

The textbook contains 20 basic and 5 continuously included repetition autocorective lessons. To obtain an advanced level of knowledge of German textbook offers:
- Reminder, repeat and deepening of the substance already discussed in the earlier stages of study
- Interpretation of new grammatical phenomena
- Exercise from grammar and vocabulary
- Extension of verbal and phraseological supplies and improvement of conversational skills

The textbook includes a key, a German-Czech dictionary, a register and a recording in MP3 format with almost three hours of text spoken by native speakers. The recording is available for download on this page.

The textbook is intended for studying in various types of schools and language courses and for self -study.

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