

One day the police receive a phone call from a frightened woman. Carrisi Donato
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319 Kč (13,29 €)
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List Number: 29055
EAN: 9788027704828
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One day the police receive a phone call from a frightened woman. From the remote farm outside the city of two children, someone has entered their land and invokes help. Due to a strong storm and a cloud rupture, the patrol will come to the site only after many hours - when it is too late.

On the farm, the officers can say one thing: there have been disgusting bloodshed, but the bodies are not found. A woman who could crawl this (seemingly?) Unsolvable case, but she left the police and resorted to her daughter Alice into seclusion, to the house at the lake. But when the police retain the suspect after an anonymous call, Mila Vasquez finds that the case is personally concerned. Since he can no longer think of himself and must take into account the safety of his daughters, he decides in himself - but this time the last time! - Again to wake up the instinct of the shadow hunter and descend again to her known darkness.

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