
Our dad had grabbed

The funny novel from the real environment has the ambition to become a popular reading for adults and adolescents.Dana Hlavatá
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239 Kč (9,96 €)
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List Number: 25634
EAN: 9788020619730
Manufacturer:Naše vojsko
Price excluding VAT:239,20 Kč (9,97 €)
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The funny novel from the real environment has the ambition to become a popular reading for adults and adolescents. The readable story brings a brisk storyline with an interesting plot, an unexpected point and a happy ending. "And yet we have something new, Mom!" "What about such a heart?" “Spider. We have Arašida at home! ”I turn to the sister and I will bite her Bouchanec in my thighs. I will not reach. I bump through my teeth: “Are you stupid or what? Mom must not be… ”“ Mom, Dorota beats me again. "What do you say?" The mom's voice sounds intermittent because the connection is lost, "if we have a spider at home, don't worry, lujzo. Tell Dad to catch him. You know the last time we did. ”Lujza looks like she doesn't know, but I know. Mom, when my dad wasn't at home, put a board on the wall. He pushed him under the spider and a plastic colander. She transferred him to the toilet. She threw into a bowl and flushed. The spider drowned. I know it's not right. In biology, we learned that spiders are catching the nets of flies and disgusting insects, but in our home we do not behave flies. We keep Arašida. “So take care of, listen, and I kiss you. All three! And greet my grandmother and grandfather. ”We say goodbye to my mom, and when we come to my grandmother and we wave the flower in the car, I will scrub my stomach. I would like to take it with a brush to clean the toilet bowl. I would put the brush in her throat and… a pity of speech. Lujza recesses every secret.

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