
On the edge of the ball

Humor, irony and exaggerated the interwoven socially psychological novel pointing to the mistakes of society ... Lush Zuzana
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144 Kč (6,00 €)
List price: 180 Kč (7,50 €)
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List Number: 29484
EAN: 9788090797772
Price excluding VAT:144,00 Kč (6,00 €)
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humor, irony and exaggerated, interwoven with a socially psychological novel pointing to the mistakes of society, which from the position of authorities commits to a young, evolving individuals.
The story is written from the child's point of view, later the adolescent, for more credible submission and the possibility of deeper empathy in his thinking, experiences and emotions.
The adolescent Eliška, like many at her age, has the impression that she has experienced everything and has nothing to lose. At the same time, she has no idea that her life has really served her a lot, and even a little more…
I am beginning, but the soul of a lifelong writer. I am currently sharing a household with my husband, two dogs, three children, fourteen ants, ten stones and several flowers.
Since birth I perceive life from a different point of view, I have a wide range of interests and I like to discover new things.
I spend most of my time with my large family, in addition to which I devote myself to self -development, sport, music, art, and above all counseling focused on building understanding of children; Especially through the communication method of natural hygiene of babies. More on www.svezidite

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