
On the grill

Cooking on the grill is for me a symbol of freedom, freshness and meeting with those I love.Zdeněk Pohlreich
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509 Kč (21,21 €)
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List Number: 25761
EAN: 9788088440000
Price excluding VAT:509,15 Kč (21,21 €)
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Cook on the grill, this is a symbol of freedom, freshness and meeting with those I love. I guess I'm not alone in it, we all love grilling and no wonder, being outside is just fine. Every right barbecue party is inherently connected mainly with meat and in our book you will find it abundantly. However, it also offers recipes that reflect the ongoing lifestyle change. There is no doubt that people are starting to eat lighter and better digestible meals. In my life, I have already ate enough meat to find that the variety and balance in food are as important and fun as variety and balance in a complex life. In addition, the garden is full of tempting fresh ingredients in the summer and offers a lot of inspiration. The cookbook builds on our book production from recent years, when the cook's ego has retreated a lot to the needs of an ordinary person and when we understood that the sources we have our chefs are often unavailable to ordinary consumers. That is why we have again focused on the products commonly used in the Czech household and recipes that everyone can handle. We created the whole book on the farm of my great women Zdenička, in the same place where our TV shows of recent years have been created to capture the relaxed atmosphere and mood of summer sunny days. I believe and hope that this book will enrich and diversify your quality repertoire and help you to success the event we all love.
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