
My fight with anxiety - the real story of a fourteen -year -old boy

Tomáš is a 14 -year -old boy, a pupil of the eighth grade of elementary school who likes logical tasks and enjoys playing the piano. Vondra Tomáš
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199 Kč (8,29 €)
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List Number: 24105
EAN: 9788090797765
Price excluding VAT:199,20 Kč (8,30 €)
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Tomáš is a 14 -year -old boy, a pupil of the eighth grade of elementary school who likes logical tasks and enjoys playing the piano. On the day of the semi -annual report, something he has never experienced - panic anxiety happened in the classroom. His heart pounded, felt hot, dried up in his throat, and felt fainted. He wanted to escape from the class as quickly as possible. He didn't know what was going on with him and began to worry about dycing. The next days he didn't want to go to school, actually nowhere. He was afraid he would feel anxiety again and would not know what to do. On the recommendation of a psychologist, he began to write a diary who has now decided to declassify and share his authentic story with you, how anxiety complicated his days, how he fought it and what helped him deal with the situation. In addition, he invented his own Ten Commandments to fight anxiety. Part of the mother's narrative about Tomáš's childhood, where there were hints that his psyche is not quite right.

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