
Freezing interview

The thriller tells a thrilling story of twenty -four hours. Ewan C. M.
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279 Kč (11,63 €)
List price: 349 Kč (14,54 €)
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List Number: 28084
EAN: 9788074113215
Price excluding VAT:279,20 Kč (11,63 €)
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thriller tells a thrilling story of twenty -four hours. A very cleverly written adrenaline novel that completely absorbs readers…

Kate Harding, who is recovering from a personal tragedy, seeks to find the meaning of life again after her husband's death. The flight attendant can no longer perform and devote himself to employment in the company's relationship with the public.
When it appeals to the advice of new workers, it comes to an interview for a highly respected position in top society and expects to get the work of its dreams that promises not only much higher salary, but also way up the career ranking.
This meeting takes place in a luxury thirteen -storey office building in the center of London on Friday at five o'clock, when almost everyone went home for the weekend. Kate finds herself with a man who leads to her, and even in the wildest dreams she can't imagine what other events she can expect. Nothing in this cat game and the mouse is not normal, everything is perverted, torturing and dangerous. Kate finds herself in a deadly trap and begins the struggle for life. What is the real reason behind the interview?

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