
PREVIOUS MISSION – Search and Loot with stickers

Lots of information and interesting facts from history, quizzes, puzzles, riddles and over 150 stickers to solve tasks... Go on an adventurous mission to prehistoric times! You will search, collect clues and, above all, unravel secrets hundreds, thousands, even millions of years old!
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149 Kč (6,26 €)
List price: 199 Kč (8,36 €)
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List Number: 31975
EAN: 9788076771345
Price excluding VAT:149,25 Kč (6,27 €)
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Go on an adventurous mission with the code name PREVIOUS! The Mystery Academy, which solves riddles hundreds, thousands, even millions of years old, has a complicated case for you. Scientists there discovered a skeleton that, according to the first results of research, belonged to one of the ancient ancestors of today's man. Continue your archaeological investigation, identify traces left by prehistoric people, collect clues... Only if you can successfully cope with all the puzzles, quizzes and tasks, will you find out who the found bones belonged to! You have over 150 stickers for it, plus a lot of engaging information and interesting facts from history.

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