
Little dragonfly - a very natural book

The dragonfly at the water laid eggs and waits for the weighing babies to hatch.Pellissier Caroline, Aladjidi Virginia
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79 Kč (3,29 €)
List price: 99 Kč (4,13 €)
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List Number: 26498
EAN: 9788076700581
Manufacturer: Kazda Václav
Price excluding VAT:79,20 Kč (3,30 €)
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The dragonfly at the water laid eggs and waits for the weighing babies hatching. But that will take a moment. First, a larva hatch out of the egg, which grows for a few more months and undresses the skin several times. Finally, it turns into a beautiful blue dragonfly and flies out to explore the surroundings. But that's beautiful! Thanks to the innovative folders from French illustrator Isabelle Simler, children will learn to observe, love and respect nature from the age of 1. The folder is printed on 100% recycled paper, so it is very natural books in all respects.

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