
Jungle ticket

Exactly such a man was looking for Kerry - at first glance a dangerous mercenary who knows herself in the jungle and protects her from the wild game and a bank of insurgents.Sandra Brown
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6,63 €
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List Number: 25786
EAN: 9788327668202
Manufacturer:HarperCollins Polska
Price excluding VAT:6,63 €
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Exactly such a man seemed to see such a man - at first glance a dangerous mercenary who knows herself in the jungle and protects her from the wild game and bits of insurgents. Her task will not be easy - she must save a group of children from a ruthless dictator and lead them to safety. But Linc O'Neal is not the one Kerry considers him. She agrees to help her, but his motivation is far from nobility. If they survive a path that seems suicidal, it intends to take not only the offered money but also Kerry. The lives of innocent children are at stake, there is evil and distrust all around… and yet a forbidden desire is boiling between Kerry and Link. Neither of them misses courage, fights obstacles to stay alive, and find that their real challenge is the fight with the devil inside…

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