
Adhesive packing tape 48 mm x 66 m brown

Acrylic adhesive tape is the most common type that is commonly on the market.
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16 CZK (0,67 €)
List price: 19 CZK (0,79 €)
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List Number: P2917
EAN: P2917
Price excluding VAT:13,35 CZK (0,56 €)
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Acrylic adhesive tape is the most common type that is commonly on the market. Acrylic tapes are sold in almost all stationery stores and supermarkets.

These adhesive tapes are very popular mainly due to their glue, which is water-based and therefore very quickly achieves 100% adhesive effect.

Adhesive tapes are used practically everywhere. You can use them for gluing boxes, foils, bags or for group packaging of objects.

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