
Love from Baghdad - a saga about eternal love

Sara was born to Slovakia and Iraqi, who studied geodesy in Slovakia. Scherhaufer Růžena
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319 Kč (13,29 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,63 €)
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List Number: 30054
EAN: 9788075464545
Price excluding VAT:319,20 Kč (13,30 €)
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Sara was born to Slovak and Iraqi, who studied geodesy in Slovakia. Since childhood, she has been an unusual appearance among children. The center of the men's attention was even in the time of adolescence, because it was exceptionally beautiful. After her studies, her father and her family returned to Iraq and Sara got used to new conditions. As a fourteen -year -old, she met a young man three years older, Aram. Young people fell in love with each other, but their love had to stay secret because Sarah was a Muslim and Aram Christian. Iraqi laws do not accept such a relationship and did not accept it, even Sara's father, a staunch Muslim. Despite the adversity of the fate and the period of devastating wars at the time of the dictator Saddam Hussein, their love was still surviving. Eternal, full of turbulence and desperate attempts to be together. Young people with a typical Arabic temperament were too dependent and did not avoid mistakes.
Aram got married from indiscretion, even though he didn't love his wife and continued to meet with Sarah.
In Iraq, terrorism has grown, so Aram goes to Australia. With Sara is in touch and has a plan how they could finally be together.

Suddenly Aram paused…

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