
Quido's crosstalk - Klára Smolíková

Language toys for children and owls
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99 Kč (4,16 €)
List price: 129 Kč (5,42 €)
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List Number: 20755
EAN: 9788024265810
Price excluding VAT:99,33 Kč (4,17 €)
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Meet Kvid - despite his long ears, this calloused boy can't always hear properly. And although he should grow up to be a wise night bird, he understands quite a few things on the contrary. A small eared callus named Kvido thinks that many word combinations are strange. Couldn't he have just misheard himself? How could his cheeks burn? And why do his friends say he sleeps with chickens? Or do the words mean something completely different? The popular language column, which you may know from the magazine Sluníčko, is accompanied by playful illustrations by Bára Buchalová. The book is intended for children from 4 years old.

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