
Mole and Spring ─ Book of Stickers

Enjoy a lot of fun with the Little Mole! What can be done with this book full of beautiful stickers? Learn a lot of attractions about spring, perform tasks, finish pictures according to your own imagination, make a memory game, decorate your own drawing or rooms with stickers.
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183 Kč (7,63 €)
List price: 229 Kč (9,54 €)
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List Number: 31970
EAN: 9788088344902
Price excluding VAT:183,20 Kč (7,63 €)
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Who would not know Mole - the cutest cartoon fairy tale in the world? Go with him to discover the magic of the seasons on beautiful pictures of the brilliant artist Zdeněk Miler! Two -page scenery can glue the children with a lot of cute stickers, whether according to the assignment or according to their own imagination. In addition, the book will learn much new and interesting about spring and with the help of stickers can also decorate their own picture, room or make a memory game!

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