
Evil roots

Are we born by rapists or are we becoming? Renand Antoine
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319 Kč (13,29 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,63 €)
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List Number: 29454
EAN: 9788027704606
Price excluding VAT:319,20 Kč (13,30 €)
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Are we born by rapists, or are we becoming? This question, as a red thread, winds through thriller with masterfully portrayed characters, riveting story and unexpected twists.

In a hard fight against each other, not only the police in the character of Captain Rauch and the still escaping serial rapist called Alpha. Not only son and mother, prosecutors and advocates, but also the person we were, we are, or we want to be.

To what extent does the characters determine their past, where will their ancient traumas lead? They will remain passive victims, stand on the side of good, or will they pull them off the abyss of evil?

Alph's irreconcilable hatred of women and their weakly raisins leads him to increasingly scary crimes. The indictment of the softened Western society, as the criminal granted it in his own hands, is unacceptable, but leaves a gnawing doubt as to whether he cannot be basically right.

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