
A book of accidents

Once upon a time, Nathan lived in a house in the countryside with his violent father - and never told his family what happened to him. Wendig Chuck
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479 Kč (19,96 €)
List price: 599 Kč (24,96 €)
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List Number: 29931
EAN: 9788024287386
Price excluding VAT:479,20 Kč (19,97 €)
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once lived Nathan in a house in the countryside with his violent father - and never told his family what happened to him.

Once upon a time, Maddie was a little girl who made dolls in her bedroom when she saw something she didn't have - and still tries to deal with her trauma by creating ghost statues.

Once upon a time, something ominous and hungry passed through the tunnels under the mountains and the coal mines of their hometown in the countryside in Pennsylvania.

Now Nate and Maddie Graves are married and their son Oliver returned to their hometown.

But what happened once is repeated now. Oliver meets a strange boy who becomes his best friend, a boy with his own secrets and a penchant for dark magic.

This dark magic puts them in the center of the battle of good with evil and the fight for the soul of the family - and maybe the whole world. But the Graves family has a secret weapon in this battle: mutual love.

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