
Dumplings, gnocchi & sauces (Apetit edition)

Fluffy dumplings as a side dish and filled as a separate meal.
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339 Kč (14,13 €)
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List Number: 25456
EAN: 9788088409014
Price excluding VAT:339,15 Kč (14,13 €)
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fluffy dumplings as a side dish and filled as a separate meal. The best gnocchi and honest Czech and inspiring foreign sauces… Are you already saliva? New from the edition of Apetit dumplings, gnocchi & sauces, which editor Stáňa Moravcová jr. Just as they meet in our new cookbook. We chose over 140 recipes that we tuned for you in the editorial kitchen of Apetit magazine. Here you will find our favorite recipes for dumplings and gnocchi Naslano and Náhwe and a lot of great sauces of warm and cold, dumplings and others. They will come to their lovers of Czech cuisine, European classics and exotic tastes. We believe that in the upcoming colder half you will appreciate the recipe for perfect speck dumplings or tuned sirloin, which will warm up on the body and spirit. However, we feel that even in the warmer months will not be powdered to the cookbook, without fruit dumplings or dill sauces with new potatoes, summer would not be a summer. In the cookbook dumplings, gnocchi & sauces you will find the following chapters: * dumplings * Service * dumplings and gnocchi * sweet * sauces * Service * as home * European heritage * scents

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