
When he loves you cattle

A gently romantic, but also a rough realistic story freely followed by a novel when you save your cattle.Hannah Howell
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223 Kč (9,29 €)
List price: 279 Kč (11,63 €)
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List Number: 25855
EAN: 9788074113031
Price excluding VAT:223,20 Kč (9,30 €)
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a gently romantic, but also harshly realistic story freely followed by a novel when you save your cattle. The story is set in the American environment of the state of Mississippi during the American Civil War. Abigail Jensen is working tirelessly to keep her small farm in Mississippi. He believes that he does not need protection, but when the farm attacks the raiders and ignites it, gratefully accepts the kindness of a young officer who will appear here at the right moment and offer her to accompany her to a nearby city. It's Matthew Macenroy, who joined the fight for his "adoptive" nation after his two brothers were injured. Now fate put him in his way with a proud and independent beauty to protect. But the soldier should not fall through strong feelings, even though the beautiful woman attracts him extremely. When Matthew is taken aback and injured in Křížová fire, Abigail takes over the lead and takes a long journey to the valley where the Macenroy brothers live. All the time he cares gently…

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