
KáPéGranddaughter of a woman who is abandoned by her husband - Maria Wolfová

In tears and trust
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45 Kč (1,89 €)
List price: 59 Kč (2,48 €)
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List Number: 32682
EAN: 9788072953066
Price excluding VAT:45,43 Kč (1,91 €)
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“You are no longer my wife.”

"Are we to accept only good things from God, while we will not accept evil things?" Job 2, 10

Good God! Something happened that I would never have believed could happen.

The person with whom we promised love, respect and fidelity years ago simply came one day, told me that I was no longer his wife and took off his ring. She has another. I just don't understand what's going on. I feel like I'm in a movie. What's next?

Jesus, I trust You. Maria, Mother, take care of us. God, bemerciful to us and to the whole world!

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