
How to become another

Can one constantly change without losing himself? He has not been thirty yet, yet he has several lives .... Louis Édouard Louis Édouard
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295 Kč (12,29 €)
List price: 369 Kč (15,38 €)
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List Number: 30650
EAN: 9788076373631
Price excluding VAT:295,20 Kč (12,30 €)
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Can one constantly change without losing himself? He has not been thirty yet, yet he has several lives behind. He experienced childhood in extreme poverty, shame for his own origin and sexual orientation. He escaped from the village to the city, where as a teen at the grammar school he tries to move away as much as possible to his roots. He longs to find a new identity later at universities in Amiens and Paris. As a writer, he is experiencing unprecedented success, enjoys the interest of the media, constantly traveling and telling of his life. Attention and recognition are initially addictive, after all, it dreamed of this. But gradually, fatigue and disgust with his own life come, he would prefer to escape from everything and continue to endless transformation of himself.

The deeply personal and moving novel is the greatest work of the literary star from the release of Eddy B. Criticism and readers appreciated him as a remarkable return of the author, who has something to say and does not spare himself.

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