
Italian clock

Henry James
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263 Kč (10,96 €)
List price: 329 Kč (13,71 €)
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List Number: 00368
EAN: 9788073353162
Price excluding VAT:263,20 Kč (10,97 €)
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Format: 207 x 139 mm

pages: 488

In twenty -two trips of trips, which summed up the Italian clock, a modern American classic Henry James ode to beloved Italy With the same thoroughness with which he is interested in "house of the human soul" in psychological prose. The special state of the "mind on the wanderings" is alard by the author to examine the nature of the civilization phenomenon called tourism. During the forty -year wandering on the country, which has experienced the rise and fall of the most famous ancient empire and rises from the ashes like a reunited state, they will not escape James's brightness or the first excesses of mass travel in times when the road clipson was beginning to be heard and monuments were in diapers.
The reader will be amazed at how much the author's observations are still up to date both in the most visited places of Italy and in the corners far from the noisy crowd. But whether James hits the Babylonian Socation on the Venetian Lagoon, whether he tends to be political reflecting in the streets of Eternal Rome, whether the cochly of the countryside or the millet beauty of Florence, Siena or Ravenny serves as a dedicated guide to the highest class. In his distinctive insight, the aesthetic sensitivity combines with sparkling insight and the tradition of Anglo -Saxon humor, and so the result of this passion to sweet Italy is overshadowed by the travelogues of his most dull American predecessors: Mark Twain and Herman Melvill.

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