

Catherine Lockhart and Liam Taggart get an invitation to dinner to the Italian restaurant .... Balson Ronald H.
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319 Kč (13,29 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,63 €)
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List Number: 30546
EAN: 9788027712731
Price excluding VAT:319,20 Kč (13,30 €)
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Catherine Lockhart and Liam Taggart will be invited to dinner to the Italian restaurant. The aunt of its owner and their long -time friend wants to move out a very influential corporation from the farm in the Tuscan hills, which claims to have ownership rights on land. Catherine and Liam get a single clue in the form of a written German biography in which there is a long forgotten story…

Ada Baumgarten was born in Berlin at the end of the war, exactly in 1918. She was the daughter of a renowned musician who played the first violin in the prestigious Berlin Philharmonic, and also became a brilliant violinist. In her childhood she lived surrounded by a rich culture and a selected company of the interwar Berlin. At that time she also established a deep relationship with his friend Kurt. However, the stream of history took a different direction. Ada was Jewish and social pressures soon deprived her of a friend.

What happened to Ada? How is her life linked to a court dispute over the ownership of the Tuscan farm? Catherine and Liam are gradually plunging into deep lies, corruption and human evil, but on their bottom they find a story full of kindness, retribution and hope whose end has not yet been written.

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