
Rocks, minerals, gems

You are fascinated by colorful minerals, shimmering gems, but also rare fossils, beautiful animal boxes, shells, what will you not find on the beach?Green Dan
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399 Kč (16,63 €)
List price: 499 Kč (20,79 €)
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List Number: 25671
EAN: 9788027602087
Manufacturer: Slovart
Price excluding VAT:399,20 Kč (16,63 €)
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You are fascinated by colorful minerals, shimmering gems, but also rare fossils, beautiful animal boxes, shells, what will you not find on the beach? So go on a journey to know the rare treasures of the inanimate nature. There are more than 1,000 incredible photos in the book that will make your indispensable guide. You will learn that minerals attract us not only in beauty and rare, but also tell the story of how the Earth originated and how it changed, how it actually recycles its rocks. Fossils, in turn, show us the development of life and how it coped with the conditions on the changing planet. You will also be surprised by many attractions - do you know which rock is so light that it swims on the water, from which mineral is the tip of the arrow firmer than steel, how do crystals are formed? You will visit some of the most amazing landscapes and introduce many natural wonders. Perhaps this will awaken the interest in the world around us and set out on your own journey of discovery. Our planet has an infinite number of miracles of nature.
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