
Hunting to Mum's bunny

A funny story about what can happen when a daughter ninity that her mother's friend is not the right one for her.Kristína Pavelková
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79 Kč (3,29 €)
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List Number: 25563
EAN: 9788020619518
Manufacturer:Naše vojsko
Price excluding VAT:79,20 Kč (3,30 €)
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A funny story about what can happen when a daughter ninity that her mother's friend is not the right one for her. There is a big turn in Nelina's life when her mother introduces her new friend Adam. The fact that her attractive mother had found a friend would be nothing unusual if he wasn't fourteen years younger. Nela imagined someone completely different from Adam, a freelance photographer. Her arguments that she does not mean it seriously and only break her aging heart. Decides to harden. It is time to run the plan to capture the bunny directly in the act. Can Nela fight, even if everyone has her for a fool? Can she reveal Adam's secrets? She convinces her mother that a young bunny is not the right one for her?

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