
The Value of Water - White Gary, Damon Matt

Every morning after waking up, you can take a shower, make coffee and flush the toilet, and you don't think twice about it.
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268 Kč (11,17 €)
List price: 348 Kč (14,50 €)
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List Number: 32374
EAN: 9788076892934
Price excluding VAT:267,96 Kč (11,17 €)
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Every morning after waking up, you can take a shower, make a coffee and flush the toilet, and you don't think twice about it. But there are more than three-quarters of a billion people around the world who cannot do any of this - because they have no source of clean water near their homes. And 1.7 billion people do not have access to any toilet. This crisis affects a third of the people on our planet. It prevents children from going to school and women from working. It keeps people trapped in extreme poverty. It helps the spread of disease. But there is a solution. It was this belief that brought actor Matt Damon together with engineer Gary White, an expert on water issues. For years they searched and found answers: first wrong, later half right, then almost right. Over time, they and their organization Water.org have developed an approach that works. Working with partners across East Africa, Latin America, South and Southeast Asia, they have already helped more than 40 million people gain access to water and sanitation. In The Value of Water, Gary and Matt take us on a journey – telling stories while revealing different perspectives and trying out new ideas. They move between the communities they seek to benefit and the boardrooms where decisions take place. With humor and humility, they describe the challenges associated with launching a brand new and very ambitious model that is supposed to bring better health and greater prosperity to people around the world.

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