
The history of the 20th century

The book The History of the 20th Century of one of the world's leading historians Jeremy Black brings an ambitious and at the same time a clear and richly illustrated history of the world in the 20th century.Jeremy Black
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419 Kč (17,46 €)
List price: 599 Kč (24,96 €)
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List Number: 26490
EAN: 9788024278117
Price excluding VAT:419,30 Kč (17,47 €)
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The history of the 20th century history of one of the world's leading historians Jeremy Black brings ambitious and at the same time a clear and richly illustrated history of the world in the 20th century. It captures events, characters, ideologies, cultural changes and dramatic policy of this stormy era, from world wars to traumas of decolonization to technological triumphs of space races. In his engaging narrative, the historian examines such diverse themes such as the Russian Bolshevik Revolution, the Great Economic Crisis, the Cold War, Globalization, Climate Changes and the birth of the Internet. It likes to interpret the knowledge of demography, the environment, culture and technology, as well as known political welds, bringing a new perspective on this most important topic. In the book you will find remarkable maps, illustrations and photographs that with extraordinary clarity bring the key events of the 20th century.

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