
The Serpent and the Pearl - Quinn Kate

Rome, 1492 The holy city is covered in blood and brimming with secrets.
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346 Kč (14,54 €)
List price: 449 Kč (18,87 €)
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List Number: 32753
EAN: 9788027912872
Price excluding VAT:345,73 Kč (14,53 €)
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Rome, 1492 The holy city is covered in blood and brimming with secrets. Pope Innocent VIII. dies, God's throne remains vacant and only one can claim it. It is at this moment that the fateful rise of the legendary Borgia family begins, which drags an innocent girl into its snares... Giulia Farnese is full of life, the world lies at her feet and she has everything she could wish for. However, when she discovers that she is to become the concubine of the ruthless Cardinal Borgia, who has fallen passionately in love with her, her life changes from the ground up. He goes to the Borgio harem, where he unexpectedly gains two loyal companions: the cynical bodyguard Leonello and the energetic cook Carmelina. But corruption is rampant in the Vatican and new enemies keep appearing, so Giulia and her friends must muster all their wits and courage to survive in the world of the Borgias...

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