
False witness

Leigh worked hard to build a seemingly normal life.Karin Slaughter
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11,63 €
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List Number: 26236
EAN: 9788327668509
Manufacturer:HarperCollins Polska
Price excluding VAT:11,63 €
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Leigh worked hard to build a seemingly normal life. She is a recognized advocate, has a teenage daughter who successfully studies, even her divorce is relatively calm. She has always dreamed of such a mundaneity. Her childhood, however, is dirty by the mystery, betrayal and devastating violent act. One day she gets into her hands: she should defend the rich man accused of rape. For Leigh, this is an opportunity that can move her a few rungs in her career. If he wins… When meeting the accused, however, he realizes that it is no coincidence that he chose her as a lawyer. She realizes that she actually knows him… and that he knows her. What's more, suspicious knows exactly what happened twenty years ago and what Leigh has been running for so long.

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