

About good morals and gastronomyLadislav Špaček
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479 Kč (19,96 €)
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List Number: 26585
EAN: 9788024276175
Price excluding VAT:479,20 Kč (19,97 €)
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The book Etiquette of Dining Ladislav Špaček is a comprehensive and detailed handbook of etiquette in dining. It focuses on practical topics that relate to each of us. It acquaints readers with the behavior at the table, provides instructions on how to properly cut the table and how to spread guests. It explains how we eat common meals and exotic dishes, why we should hold the cutlery properly, how we treat napkins, glasses and other tools. He reliably leads us by dining in the restaurant and at the banquet, but he also pays great attention to domestic dining, so important to be the right role model to our children. Interestingly confronts the current concept of etiquette at the table with the rules set by the legendary Jiří Guth-Jarkovský a hundred years ago. The dining label has a large overlap into gastronomy. It introduces us to the great personalities of French cuisine and the history of dining, paying attention to the development of gastronomy and renowned cuisine that now rules the world. As a bonus, the book presents the ten most important personalities of our gastronomic world (Zdeněk Pohlreich, Jiří Štift, David Šašek, Radek Kašpárek, Jan Kracík, Flemming Laugesen, Roman Paulus, Jan Punčochář, Oldřich Sahajdák, Sylvio SPIR, Otakar Žoudlík) on their most renowned dishes. The graphic and art solution promotes the book to the sphere of gift publications with practical content. Is useful for anyone who wants to dine according to social rules.

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