
Ema in the woods

This beautifully illustrated book is a nice educational aid.
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4,91 €
List price: 5,92 €
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List Number: 29149
EAN: 9788075634184
Price excluding VAT:4,91 €
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This beautifully illustrated book is a nice educational aid. It will introduce your child to the stories of everyday life and help him get to know the world around us. Will experience a day with a girl Ema who is at the same age, and in a non -violent form learn how to behave in certain situations.

EMA cannot grow up because he goes with his parents on a trip. And what will they learn today? Maybe why my dad can't park a car in the forest, who scared her strange sounds on her way, what the viper looks like and where she should put the paper from a snack. Dad explains to her how they didn't get lost in the forest and why she couldn't stand on a lookout tower in the storm she had never seen before. The trip ended with a big downpour, but it doesn't matter to Em, because they are looking forward to another adventure.

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