

In the year of salvation in 1715, the King of the Sun was transposed in an immortal vampire, and became the king of darkness. Dixen Victor
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359 Kč (14,96 €)
List price: 449 Kč (18,71 €)
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List Number: 29030
EAN: 9788027710577
Manufacturer: Fobos
Price excluding VAT:359,20 Kč (14,97 €)
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"In Versailles you will develop as an exotic flower. The vampires in the palace are crazy about everything that is not mundane. But beware: The yard of the darkness has its rules, its deadly baits, and even the smallest mistake is paid with blood… ”

In the year of salvation in 1715, the King of the Sun was transposed in an immortal vampire, and became the king of darkness. Since then, it has been opposing France and its viceroralism, which have stuck for good in the big century.

Darkness gradually controls the whole world. All people are bound by shackles and held in horror. In addition, to feed the vampires who make up the highest nobility of the Earth, literally shed blood.

Three hundred years after the king's transmutation, Johan is taken out of his unborn family and thrown into a school in Versailles, who prepares a young nobleman for life at the court. He will face the cruelty of living-still, intrigues of classmates and increasing monsterity between the walls of the Royal Palace. Johan, however, has a secret task. What will he be willing to sacrifice him and eventually meet him?

Victor Dixen in his new saga vampyria plays a breathtaking alternative history from which the chill runs on his back.

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