
Ghost Christmas

Peter Armstrong and Hank Colfax are the best friends, but their lives can't be more different. Macomber Debbie
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319 Kč (13,29 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,63 €)
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List Number: 29091
EAN: 9788075464354
Price excluding VAT:319,20 Kč (13,30 €)
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Peter Armstrong and Hank Colfax are the best friends, but their lives cannot be more different. Peter is a pastor who devotes all his time to his choir, and Hank has a pub visited by regulars who avoid churches with an arch.
One day before Christmas, Peter and Hanek will start to argue whose work is more strenuous, so they decide to exchange their work for a week before Christmas Eve. To their surprise, the duties of the bartender and the pastor are similar, but to take over the work of the other is more difficult than they expected. They begin to see each other in a new light and maybe discover the love that will change their lives forever.

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