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Ellerie Downing lives in the peaceful town of Amity Falls - a place surrounded by five narrow peaks of the dark mountains and an impenetrable forest .............. Craigová Erin A.
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16,63 €
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List Number: 30069
EAN: 9788024286358
Price excluding VAT:16,63 €
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Ellie Downing lives in the peaceful town of Amity Falls - a place surrounded by five narrow peaks of the dark mountains and an impenetrable forest from which the inhabitants once expelled devils and dark forces. To this day, many people do not come to this region. However, when the supply caravan is lost, the locals begin to worry about the monsters that once threatened this region. With the arrival of winter, the city is plagued by other inexplicable disasters. Everything suggests that the tribe of mystical beings inhabiting adjacent forests is to blame. Ghosts that promise to fulfill the innermost wishes for a small counter -service. Their real intentions, however, are much more sinister and Ellerie must race with time and save his family and the boy he loves before the whole Amity Falls burns in flames. From the author of the bestseller the house of salt and sadness. Recommended Age 13+

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