
Dear avo

It's been ten months old, when you were here for the last time, but I can't forget you. Madden-Mills Ilsa
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319 Kč (13,29 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,63 €)
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List Number: 29693
EAN: 9788027704903
Price excluding VAT:319,20 Kč (13,30 €)
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It's been ten months you've been here for the last time, but I can't forget you.
I missed seeing how you walk around the hallway.
I missed you to hear you cheer in football.
I missed the smell of your hair.

In the prestigious, ivy covered with the Camden High School, the rich and the popular sharks are dominated. I once wanted to be part of their world - until they destroyed me. I can't go calmly in the local corridors without everyone looking at me and whispering.

The last thing I expected was an anonymous love letter from one of them.

Please. I hate each of those rich assholes for what they have done to me. The question is which of the sharks is my secret admirer?

Knox, scarred Quarterback.
Dane, his twin.
Or Chance, my ex, who gave me football boots after a party where someone raped me…

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