
The day is beautiful

Giusti Amabile
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319 Kč (13,29 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,63 €)
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List Number: 31955
EAN: 9788027713103
Price excluding VAT:319,20 Kč (13,30 €)
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Eighteen -year -old blonde from a good family, Grace Gilmor, has lived as a porcelain doll under the glass bell. All fragments in a shiny mosaic fits into their place: beautiful and loving parents, a prince on a white horse ready to marry her, a completed secondary school and the promise of a dream university. Just a single night and three heeling, which gave her a fierce fate to grab all carefully built domino and Grace had to reconsider all her world so far.

With the shards of illusions in the backpack and the fragments of old life in the heart, Grace defies its perfect future, which is decided by everyone except it. He sets off on the spontaneous road trip on the United States and is firmly determined to follow the instinct and his dreams.

In New York, he meets Channing, a rude but kind young man of breathtaking beauty. His blue eyes illuminate the gray sky of Grace's heart like a flash. And fate seemed to intertwine the paths of these two young people, so they share different stages of the journey from Pennsylvania to Ohio, from Kentucky to Illinois, even on the famous road 66.

And while Grace has to learn to recognize his new authentic emotions, the distant from her old life, Channing must clear with the tragic mystery of his own life that threatens their dream of a beautiful future.

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