

This engaging and sophisticated psychological thriller about a mother who desperately searches for her missing daughter ...
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319 Kč (13,29 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,63 €)
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List Number: 13785
EAN: 9788075850188
Price excluding VAT:319,20 Kč (13,30 €)
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This engaging and sophisticated psychological thriller about a mother who desperately searches for her missing daughter, continues the tradition of writers such as Gillian Flynn, Tana French and Ruth Rendell.

Jenny is a successful general practitioner, mother of three great children and a woman of a reputable neurosurgeon.
But when her youngest daughter, fifteen -year -old Naomi, does not return home from school, Jenny's seemingly perfect life begins to collapse. The police announce a nationwide search that ends in failure. After the naomi the ground was, and her family is crushed.
As the months flow, the worst scenarios (kidnapping, murder…) seem less likely. The track cooled. But for desperate Jenny it is only the beginning of the search. More than a year after disappearance, he is still looking for an answer - and encounters something worrying. Anyone who thought she knew him and that he could trust him, kept something secret. Especially naomi. The traces she left behind her daughter. But Naomi differs from the girl she raised.

Author: Jane Shemilt
Format: 142x206mm
Number of pages: 408
Binding: Fixed
Manufacturer: omega
Year of release: 2018

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