
Another 365 days

Pregnant Laura is shot. The best doctors are fighting for her life.Blanka Lipinska
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367 Kč (15,29 €)
List price: 459 Kč (19,13 €)
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List Number: 26876
EAN: 9788026917533
Price excluding VAT:367,20 Kč (15,30 €)
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pregnant Laura is shot. The best doctors are fighting for her life. Laura's husband, the head of the Sicilian Mafia, must make the most difficult decision in life. Who to save - a beloved woman or their unborn child? What does Massimo choose? Will he still make sense to him without Laura? Will he be able to raise their son himself? Millions of thoughts swirl his head, but none of them is exactly reassuring. He does not know where the fate of his family will go. What 365 days will we watch in the third part of the saga? Another 365 days are the sequel to the bestseller series Blanka Lipinská about Laura Bielová, kidnapped by the boss of Sicilian Mafia. Previous books for 365 days and that day sold over 1.5 million copies around the world. A novel full of eroticism and sensational twists, compared to the worldwide bestseller "50 shades of gray", won the heart of Polish women. If someone believes that the author will be difficult to surprise again for the author, he should be attached, because another 365 days is a proper riding ride!

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