
Highway - Potůčková Lenka

The author of the successful book Unwanted Return follows the fate of a Czech family between 1984 and 1990.
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299 Kč (12,56 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,76 €)
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List Number: 32667
EAN: 9788024953571
Price excluding VAT:299,25 Kč (12,57 €)
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The author of the successful book Unwanted Return follows the fate of a Czech family in the years 1984–1990. Mother Renata will not return from a trip to Austria without her husband Richard, daughter Simona and son Marek knowing about her emigration. The whole family's life is thus turned upside down. They find themselves in the crosshairs of the StB – Richard is bullied by security and reassigned to a worse position, Simona has a hard time bearing her mother's departure, neglects her studies, and in the end is not accepted to the clothing industrial school she longed for, Marek, studying medicine at the UK, is expelled from school and has to join the war. Everyone copes with the loss of Renata in their own way, the worst is Marek, who at the end of the war signs cooperation with StB for personal benefits. In 1990, Renata arrives in Prague. What will her meeting with her ex-husband and children be like?

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