
What do children say before they learn to talk

Holinger Paul C.
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183 Kč (7,63 €)
List price: 229 Kč (9,54 €)
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List Number: 01188
EAN: 9788073878191
Price excluding VAT:183,20 Kč (7,63 €)
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newborn other people may seem to us as passive, small loaves of bread - nice smelling and pleasant to the touch, but mainly as something that is just suitable for a stroller. But when we have our own baby, we find that it is a very passionate and complex man full of life. The babies already devour sensory stimuli and information from the world around them in the earliest age. The baby absorbs anything you offer him as a huge, thirsty fungus, but also "speaks" and tells us what he needs, what he thinks and what he feels. Every child comes into the world with a lot of innate qualities and has a lot to say, even before they learn to speak.

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