
Erroneous protocol

The heartless killing machine that readers of this sci-fi series knows under the name Robokat again plunges into the whirl of adventure and dangerous situations .... Wells Martha
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199 Kč (8,29 €)
List price: 249 Kč (10,38 €)
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List Number: 19070
EAN: 9788075856500
Manufacturer: Fobos
Price excluding VAT:199,20 Kč (8,30 €)
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"Who would ever think that a heartless killing machine will face so many moral dilemmas?" The heartless killing machine, which readers of this sci-fi series knows the series under the name Robokat, again throws itself into the whirl of adventure and dangerous situations. As many times before, this time he will move on the edge between the lack of interest in the surroundings and the growing sense of justice and responsibility. Will the robocato tired the constant conflict with people and lead him to complete apathy, or persevere in finding evidence against those who are responsible for the death of innocent people, and prove that humanity can be lost as it is? Martha Wells masterfully reveals the mysterious corners of the Robot's soul and lets look into the thought processes of someone who does not want to have anything to do with people, but submits to such common human speeches as rage, compassion, sympathy and above all a healthy dose of irony.

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