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Carl Morck and the Q department are returning with the ninth case. Adler-Olsen jussi
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279 Kč (11,63 €)
List price: 349 Kč (14,54 €)
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List Number: 29883
EAN: 9788027515554
Price excluding VAT:279,20 Kč (11,63 €)
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Carl Morck and Department Q are returning with the ninth case.

Marcus Jacobsen, head of the murder department, meets his best investigator Carl Morcek over an old case that is deeply touched. Members of the Department Q begin to grow under the hands of an unpleasant tangle of long -closed cases. A challenging task will force Carla, Assad, Rose and Gordon to get together more tightly than ever.

After the Q department immerses in the investigation of the deaths of prominent personalities, which the police have so far considered suicide or unfortunate coincidence, it will reveal the horrific pattern of the perpetrator's actions. Everything suggests that murders are not over yet. In order to prevent further cruel death, they will start in a difficult time of anti -width measures into a stubborn time struggle. But in the meantime, from Carl's past as a snake, which is about to attack his prey, will emerge quite a different case.

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