
Journey to Freedom - Harry and Meghan and the emergence of a modern royal family

When reports about the germinating romantic relationship between the beloved English prince and the American actress appeared, they attracted the attention of the world and unleashed madness ...
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339 Kč (14,13 €)
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List Number: 21351
EAN: 9788026914938
Price excluding VAT:339,15 Kč (14,13 €)
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When news about the germinating romantic relationship between the beloved English prince and American actress appeared, they caught the attention of the world and unleashed the madness of international media. The Dukes and Duchess of Sussex have always been full of newspapers - from their engagement, through the wedding and birth of his son Archie, to an unprecedented decision to leave the lives of the royal family - but the true story of Harry and Meghan knows only a few. The journey to Svoboda for the first time enters the newspaper subtitles, reveals the unknown details of Harry and Meghan, and refutes many gossip and misconceptions that chase the couple on both sides of the ocean. As members of a selected group of journalists dealing with the British royal family and its activities, Omid Scobia and Carolyn Durand witnessed the life of a young couple as only a few from outside. The unique approach and participation of those closest to the spouses have enabled to write an honest, detailed and disarming portrait of a self -confident, influential and progressive marital couple who is not afraid to leave tradition is determined to take a new way outside the light of the reflectors and decide to build a humanitarian legacy that will significantly affect the whole world.

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